LDAP interface

The LDAP interface in Aeneis offers the possibility to synchronize arbitrary objects (e.g. users) into an Aeneis database. With the LDAP interface, a central system for authentication (LDAP) can be connected in Aeneis. Here it is possible to set up Single Sign-On so that users only have to log on to the system once and have directly access to their Aeneis account. This means that user accesses only have to be managed centrally once.

Use cases:

  • Automatic or manual transfer (synchronization) of users, employees, organizational units or groups

  • Automatic or manual transfer (synchronization) of employees and users as well as their assignment via the Aeneis user attribute of the employee object

LDAP synchronization configuration determines which data from the LDAP directory will be synchronized. For this purpose, the LDAP classes and their LDAP attributes can be determined. Queries can be defined for LDAP synchronization. The LDAP objects can be synchronized into Aeneis model objects (e.g. users, groups, employees, organizational units).

The supported systems are NDS (Novell Directory Service) and Active Directory.

Note: Users disabled or deleted in LDAP are automatically locked in Aeneis.


For a successful LDAP configuration, proceed as follows:

  1. Connect LDAP server to Aeneis:

    1. Add LDAP server

    2. Assign an LDAP server to the database

  2. Connect LDAP synchronization with LDAP server

  3. Add LDAP classes and LDAP attributes for users and employees

    1. Create LDAP class

    2. Create LDAP attribute

  4. Perform LDAP synchronization